Designed and manufactured the UK, fast accurate solution to case trimming. The unique cutter design trims, chamfers and deburrs all in one operation reducing handling time and speeding up the trimming process. Suitable for cartridges from .223 to 50BMG and has a click adjustable cutting depth for .001” increments. Cases are supported by via a bushing system and use coated pilots ensuring extremely consistent neck lengths. The trimmer can be powered by electric drill, pillar drill or lathe. The Polymer shield collects waste brass and makes for a clean workspace while in use.
As standard the trimmer system comes with a case support bushing to suit .223 .308 or magnum family of cartridges. Then you choose one of the following calibre specific cutters and pilots to suit .22, 6mm, 6.5, 7mm, 30cal, 338 (Additional cutters can purchased and interchanged with the trimmer body to form a multi calibre set)
After choosing correct calibre please choose from either standard or match pilot size our recommendation as follows.
The features: