
Buy precision accessories for your shooting requirements from March Scopes

LabRadar Accessories

LabRadar Accessories

The chronograph era is over…

Please note, the LabRadar does not come with any accessories (bench mount, carry case, or air gun trigger adapter). This can be purchased additionally via our website. LabRadar is the world’s newest technology in obtaining projectile velocities of Rifles, Shotguns (slugs only), Handguns, Pellet Guns, BB Guns, Bow & Arrows, Crossbows, Paintball.

Doppler Radar is the most precise method of measuring velocities available. Its accuracy is not dependant on light conditions or being exactly parallel to photo electric sensors resulting in false readings.

No shooting through a small confined area.
No dealing with optimal lighting conditions.
No stopping the firing line to set up and take down equipment.
Easy set up.
Place LabRadar beside the shooter, point towards the target and you’re ready to go.
Track and obtain true velocities continuously up to 100 yards.


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